Wendy Warner Wendy Warner


Many people make resolutions for the New Year. If that word makes them nervous, they might say “aspirations” instead–resolutions can be broken, aspirations are just a goal. This year, I’ve decided to just focus on one word as my goal: pleasure.

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Wendy Warner Wendy Warner

Stuff I’m loving right now

Every so often, I just want to share with you all what has gotten my attention and is currently making me happy. If you’ve had an office visit with me lately, you might have already heard of some of these, so sorry about the repetition.

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Wendy Warner Wendy Warner

An Easier Way

It might be a function of my age or just being busy, but for now, it’s all about finding an easier way to do something.

So here’s something we’re doing to make YOUR life easier…

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Wendy Warner Wendy Warner

So it’s a Raffle! (and other news about our sale next week)

This art was created by A Little Company, and I started collecting them way back in the 1990’s. A Little Company – Buonaiuto Pottery. They used to live at our house, but when we opened MIB, Brad said I should put them on my table “cause they will make everyone smile”.

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